Thursday, April 8, 2010

Developing Psychic Gifts

Questions & Answers by Marva Boehm Mason

How do I develop my intuitive gifts?   How do I know if I have an intuitive gift?

We are all psychic.   There is a psychic essence in each of us.   We just need to pay attention to it.   One of the first things I recommend is to learn how to be still and quiet the mind.   If you are conscious of trying to still your mind, you are still thinking of something.    Find a place in your home where you can totally relax, where you won’t be interrupted by people, phones, noise, or any other distraction.    Be conscious of the stillness around you and slowly start to still your mind and body by relaxing your body.   Start to visualize the essence of crystal white light to protect you in this state and quietly protect yourself from any negative energies or from anything that is not of the highest good.   This will get easier each time you put yourself in this state.  Personally, I give myself trigger words that will immediately put me into a deeper state of relaxation, such as “sleep now”, or “deeper now”.   Whatever you are comfortable with will work for you.   

Once is a totally relaxed state, and knowing that there will be no distractions, allow yourself to be aware of whatever you may want information about.  Invite your guides, your angels, to be there with you and to allow you to become aware of information, insight that may be helpful to you at this time.    Ask your guides and angels who they are.   You want to develop a relationship with them.   They are there to guide, assist and protect you.   

In a conscious state, whenever I want confirmation on decisions I am making, I ask for my guides and angels to give me a sign that I am doing/not doing the right thing.   Then, be aware of your surroundings for those every so slight confirmations.   It may be a white feather falling from the sky, or something more personal that you can connect with the decision at hand.   

They key to becoming more aware of your psychic gifts is to learn to be still so that you are able to be aware of communication coming from the other side, and from your guides and angels.   When your mind is noisy, its hard to hear or to be aware of what the messages are.   With time and practice, you will learn to still your mind, even in a crowded noisy room, so you can perceive pertinent information.   You will learn to develop an acute sensation of touch, smell, and hearing.

Spirits Among Us & Our Contracts in Life

Spirits Among Us & Our Contracts in Life  by Marva Boehm Mason

Whether we have lost people close to us in our lives or not, there are spirits among us.    They guide us along our way, by either clearing the way or putting obstacles in our path to get our attention when we are going in the wrong direction.   But how does free will play a part in this?    Before each of us is born, we “contract” to learn certain lessons, for lack of better terminology.    There is some sort of divine purpose or planning that as our soul is about to come into the earthly plane, there is a contract put in place that we need certain soul groups or energies in order for us to experience what we have come here to experience.    We constantly have spirits from the other side who aid in our paths and help to bridge us with those who are part of our path.   

Is there any wonder why we are born into the families we are born into?   Why do we have the jobs we have?   Why do we travel where we travel?   Why are we attracted to certain things/vices in this life?   Why do we bond with certain individuals and totally cringe with others?   Its all part of that master plan.   

On a deeper level, how do we explain murderers and other horrible crimes against each other?   Are they random acts of violence?   Are they “completion” from karma from another lifetime carried over?  

Some babies are born only to live a matter of hours, days, weeks or months rather than into old age.   Is it that what their soul contracted for only took that amount of time to complete, so that soul could check that experience off their list and move on to another existence and other learning/teaching.  

How do we know what we have contracted for in this lifetime?   Examine your life and look for the repetitive themes in relationships with others as well as with yourself?   Where is the most pain?   What is most difficult?   What type of people or situations do you continually attract into your life?   This is where you begin to discover your own contract.

As an adopted child, I began to wonder early in my life about my “biological” family.   Astrology was my first vehicle that allowed me to see that it really didn’t matter who my biological family was because it was really about MY experience of whomever was MY family.    This especially became very clear to me AFTER I found my biological family and was able to compare them to the family I was raised in.   Everything in life is really about our experience of it and what we do with it.   We can’t blame others for what happens to us because we have a hand in it too and can determine the paths we take to fulfill our pre-birth contract on the path to consciousness and karma.